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our servis

with out music life would be life would be a mistake


The user can search the site based on the name and brand of the makers and country or type of instrument or buy your favorite instrument.Each user can have a user page and register on the site

Introducing the makers

A website where instrument makers can sell their instruments.The price and specifications of each product are determined by its manufacturer, and the shipping cost is displayed at the bottom of the product price page for different continents of the world by land and air.


The user can search the site based on the name and brand of the makers and country or type of instrument or buy your favorite instrument.Each user can have a user page and register on the site

Introducing the players

Players can introduce themselves.Players can introduce themselves and services, addresses and contact details of the country and city or social networks, so that site visitors can find the musician based on city and country or type of service..

Whats up

handpan world news and festival